Volume 3 Special Insert 5 – Tim Kask

This week, DM Vince and DM Nick sit down with Tim Kask and talk Eldritch Enterprises, Gygax Magazine and much more, with this special insert. This interview was a lot of fun to do as we sat down with Tim, it felt like we were at his gaming table as we chatted away with him!

Eldritch Enterprises – http://eldritchent.com/

Gygax Magazine – http://gygaxmagazine.com/



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  1. Q-Goblin

    I thought Tim’s comments regarding gaming being useful in the development of kids is true.

    I truly believe that AD&D helped me out when I was at school.

    I was not doing particularly well in school when I was a kid. Then one year my parents bought me the DM Guide, MM1 and MM2 for X-mas (or my Birthday). I must admit I was very happy. Then I realised that I needed to make some dungeons. That was probably the first time in my life at age 12 that I sat down and properly concentrated on a project: reading the books, learning the rules, making the maps, picking monsters of the correct level, thinking of the plot and then eventually running the campaign. After all that “work”, school seemed a lot easier.

    I am convinced that those three books were the turning point for my future education, and form that point onwards my ability to learn and focus improved drastically.

  2. Paralay

    Wow, Tim Kask is an egomaniac. He’s one of the reasons that The Hobbit movie was successful? Because of the games he was making in the 70’s? Um, noooo…. JRR Tolkein is one of the reasons you were making those games in the 70’s to begin with.

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