New MP3 Download Feed

Hey everyone. We've switched hosting for our MP3 downloads which means we have a new RSS feed for the MP3 downloads. The new feed address is This change does…

Volume 3 Issue 109 – Paladins

Lawful stupid is not how a paladin is played, as the group sits down and talks about the various ways to play one. This week the guys are joined by Special guest Jim Wampler, Creator of Marvin the Mage!

Volume 3 Issue 108 – Letters to the Editor

This week the RFI crew is back with a show where the dig deep into the mailbag of holding and answer listeners questions. Everyone loves letters to the Editor, so why not send in your own comments or questions. RFISTAFF (at) Gmail (dot) Com.

Volume 3 Special Insert 5 – Tim Kask

This week, DM Vince and DM Nick sit down with Tim Kask and talk Eldritch Enterprises, Gygax Magazine and much more, with this special insert. This interview was a lot of fun to do as we sat down with Tim, it felt like we were at his gaming table as we chatted away with him!

Volume 3 Special Insert 4 – Gygax Magazine Released

Gygax Magazine is officially released, as the shipments went out the door to each of its buyers, RFI got an exclusive look at the magazine before it was released. DM Vince sits down in this special insert with former co-host DM Jasyon as they go over the magazine in detail. DM Jayson gives a sneak preview of what’s to come in issue #2 of Gygax Magazine.