Celebrating 15 years for this blog!

Today, I just noticed that 2024 marks the 15th anniversary of this blog, which has been around since 2009. That’s 15 years

EDU Podcast: GURPS, Its an interesting system.

#GURPS #RPG Today on the podcast I decided, after speaking to a listener named Tom, to give my thoughts and experiences with

Youtube Channel Update, July 2024

Quick unlisted update video for July 2024, talking about the channel and things to come. Hopefully July is a good month for

EDU Podcast: TSR’s Gangbusters, worth a look?

#RPG #Gangbusters Today on the podcast, I got a question asking about a follow up to my Noir Detective game, and wondering

EDU Podcast: Cinematic Unisystem Detective Noir Game

#detective #Noir #RPG On today’s podcast, I discuss my solo roleplaying game I had this weekend, using the Cinematic Unisystem rules, and