EDU Podcast – Hail to the King, Army of Darkness RPG

EDU Podcast – Hail to the King, Army of Darkness RPG

In today’s podcast, we’re going to explore the intriguing world of the ‘Army of Darkness’ role-playing game. This isn’t just a game you pull out for a quick session; it’s a versatile platform that can be used to orchestrate your regular gaming sessions or even manage a large, expansive campaign.

One of the standout features of this game is its Cinematic Unisystem, a characteristic that often doesn’t get the recognition it deserves. This system strikes a perfect balance between simplicity and complexity, making the game approachable for novices while still providing a rich, immersive experience for veteran players.

I firmly believe that the ‘Army of Darkness’ role-playing game is a hidden gem that should be on every gamer’s radar. It’s a game that warrants more recognition and playtime within the gaming community.

Audio here:

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  1. Anonymous

    I would agree with your comment that more people need to pick up this game, or just many other games for that matter. There are so many good games and systems out there. I have been using the D6 Star Wars wound level chart for many games that use hitpoints or health points instead of using hitpoints, and it makes GMing those games so much easier. D6 and Savage Worlds have kind of spoiled me with there ease of GMing those systems.

    • I totally agree here and that’s interesting you use the d6 SW wound system as your replacement, that’s a neat idea

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