Beyond Earths – Fantasy 1e – Episode 54

Beyond Earths – Fantasy 1e – Episode 54

In this week’s episode of the podcast, the group finds themselves in the fiery depths of hell after passing through a mysterious portal. Just as they start to get their bearings in this new and terrifying environment, Shep drops a bombshell that confirms a theory Nova has been holding for a while. The group is left reeling, with emotions running high and tensions mounting.
As if that wasn’t enough, the group is quickly thrown into a harrowing battle with a demon that threatens to overwhelm them. Just when it seems like all hope is lost, a new ally emerges from the shadows to lend a hand. The group is equal parts grateful and suspicious of this help, but they quickly realize that they’ll need all the help they can get if they’re going to survive in this hostile and unfamiliar realm.
As they continue their journey through hell, the group must grapple with their own inner demons as well as the literal ones that they encounter at every turn. With danger lurking around every corner and trust in short supply, the group must band together and rely on each other if they’re going to make it out alive. Tune in to the podcast to find out what happens next in this thrilling adventure!
Steven playing – Seran – Elf – Palladin
Geoff playing – Lord Lee – Human – Knight
Corey playing – Nova – Human – Summoner
Jakob playing – Shep – Human – Actor
Sarah playing – Lady Astrid – Human – Undead Hunter
Vince is the Game Master
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