Palladium Megaverse Podcast – Fantasy 1e – Episode 26

Palladium Megaverse Podcast – Fantasy 1e – Episode 26

The group after recovering a bit, collect the treasure they found by the giant beast. Lord Lee is patched up by Rue, and Seran comes back to tell him the information he found about the vault robbery as Orcs and Goblins surround the town, demanding the head of the one who insulted his tribe at the outpost weeks ago!
Cast of Heroes
Steven playing – Seran – Elf – Palladin
Geoff playing – Lord Lee – Human – Knight
Corey playing – Nova – Human – Summoner
Jakob playing – Shep – Human – Actor
David playing – Old Gnomey – Gnome – Thief
Sarah playing – Lady Astrid – Human – Undead Hunter
Vince is the Game Master
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