RFI 174 Recorded this weekend, Great show it was!

RFI 174 Recorded this weekend, Great show it was!

This weekend, I was able to sit down with two awesome guests, +Erik Tenkar  and +Timothy Brannan  to record yet another episode of the Roll for Initiative podcast. 
This week’s show I decided to mix it up a bit with a small format change just for this show. We talked about a few (hot button) topics we constantly see around the community.

I do feel the show had that “newsy” and “the best damn sports show period!” feel to it as we chatted about the topics at hand.
The show is set to drop live this Wednesday, of course if you are a Patreon supporter, you’ll have already heard this show, much like every show, early.
Topics we talked about:
Dungeon Mastering?
– Is charging for seats in a local game (none conventions) fair or just greedy?
– charging to teach newbies how to play and be a DM?

– playing a simple AD during a podcast is enough, but asking and throwing in plugs more then once is that over doing it?
– Are Kickstarters hurting the hobby or helping?

Buying Books?
– Amazon vs Local Store

Forums vs Social media platforms?
– Which is more helpful vs less informative
– Which encourages more interaction and thoughtful comments?

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  1. I cant wait to hear the next RFI episode. Sounds like it is going to be the best one yet, in a long line of excellent podcasts

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