Random Generation

Random Generation

As of recent I have been looking over some old games from the ’80s and noticed a pattern. A pattern we all used in the games and we took for granted, and more then like fudged numbers or just picked it. What is it you say? Well random rolls for character generation. I am talking about games like Marvel RPG, or TMNT. Where you took your dice, and rolled it, where it landed, was the start of a new character for you.
It was fun, making a story for the odd character got “stuck” with. I look back and some of my old characters and laugh. In playing TMNT, I had a Camel Ninja, that spook with a british accent, and he acted like he was part of the royal family. Ah it was fun. Just thought I would share this moment that I was thinking with you all.

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1 Comment

  1. Random Character Generation makes role-playing more of an art than the mix-max strategy boardgame that takes place the majority of the time nowadays. We ain't talking Shakespeare either way, but always knowing your cleric should have stats in a narrow range boxes you in.

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