Volume 2 Issue 61 – Dungeoneer’s Survival Guide

Intro 0:00.000
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Sage Advice – 5:06.000
Seeking Sage Advice? Contact RFI via our call in line 570-865-4210 or
Via E-mail RFIStaff@gmail.com

Table Manners “Non-Weapon Proficiencies 12:06.083
Dungeoneer’s Survival Guide pg 23
Game Mechanics – “Speeding Play” 23:24.482
Dungeoneer’s Survival Guide pg 61

Creature Feature Theater – “Cultures of the Underdark” 30:23.208
Dungeoneer’s Survival Guide pg 73

“Ecology of a Mind Flayer” – Dragon Magazine Issue 78

The Dragon’s Hoard –  “Talisman of the Sphere” 46:59.860
Dungeon Master’s Guide pg 155

Outro 53:53.873


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