JaysonCON 2010

For my birthday this year, we decided to get our NY gamer friends together and have our own mini “convention.”

Tavis Allison, Andrew Sternick, and Gabe Garner came out to GM, and we played AD&D 1E, Top Secret, Blood Bowl, Settlers of Catan, D&D 3.5, Space Hulk, Battletech, and threw in a mass Tower of Gygax session for good measure.

Everyone had a great time, we even did badges and prizes to complete the “con” feel. Thanks everyone!

(Photos are below, or you can see higher res versions at http://www.flickr.com/photos/jaysonelliot/sets/72157625011007699/)

[flickr-gallery mode=”photoset” photoset=”72157625011007699″]

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  1. Freaking awesome! Looks like a hell of a time. Happy birthday, Jayson!

    • Thanks, Andy!

      I hope I’ll see lots of people next year when we start our real convention, Low Tech Con.
      Thanks for the birthday wishes!

  2. Lori Hamilton

    Awesome! Great, hope you had a most wonderful time!!!


  3. Tower of Gygax for the win! You should share your death stories on the Tower facebook page! 😀

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