Testing how well this works!

Testing how well this works!

So I got home from gaming tonight, where I am playing in a D&D 3E game. In this game I am playing a Paladin who started out along the path of being a proper Paladin, but now has slowly fallen towards the “Dark side” of gaming. Its safe to say that he lost almost of his Paladin abilities… BUT it’s not his fault; he went a bit crazy with this group he is with. You see, this D&D game is a custom game, and it doesn’t follow most of the set rules in the book, so if a player wants something, he has to give the DM a justified plea and you may get it. So far it’s worked, the players all have odd and strange things for a D&D universe, such as a character who can change into a wolf at will, throw magic with little restriction, forge his own weapons and play CN alignment to get away with everything under the sun, and saying, “Hey I’m CN and crazy”.

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