Shadowrun Fatal Error Ep 12 – Firehawk needs help, Side-story 2

Shadowrun Fatal Error Ep 12 – Firehawk needs help, Side-story 2

This is the second in a series of side-stories, as we are figuring out how to get this all to work during the COVID-19 shut-in. After planting the bug and not sure what happened to the maid, the group goes back to the bar to regroup, and Magnificorp calls wondering what’s going on with the Datachip! But the Firehawk sends a tweet that needs attention.

Players & Characters on the show:

    • Vince – FranZisco Nikon – Decker
    • Stephen – Brendan Crowe – Mage
    • Geoff – Eddie “the way” Mandelle – Rigger
    • Sarah – Nadia Ordill – Adept
    • Jakob – Gavin “the Maid” Hayes
    • Corey – The GameMaster

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