Star Wars Fall of the Order Episode 21 – Okay time’s up for V-Con, finally.

Star Wars Fall of the Order Episode 21 – Okay time’s up for V-Con, finally.

The Count in a fit of rage starts attacking, because he was controlled by V-Con’s apprentice Gareth by injecting him with something. The group hunts down and tries to find V-Con Gareth after the Count finds two light-sabers with red blades in his desk. Things aren’t good….

Characters include:

  • Count Alexander SinClaire – Noble
  • Cade Hollins – Medic
  • Krom Humey – Bounty Hunter
  • Nika Daggoth – Pilot
  • Captain Sincar Nivik – Smuggler
  • Bishop – Slave Pirate

Follow the show on Twitter:

  • Vince – @TheEvilDM
  • Show Announcements – @RollHighorDie

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