Star Wars Fall of the Order Episode 18 – The book, information and deceptions.

Star Wars Fall of the Order Episode 18 – The book, information and deceptions.

The Count goes over the book they found in the library, to discover that there is a dark force behind it. The group investigates the book, while Cade investigates Osira and finds out some interesting information about her and Harleth. The group decides to keep things to themselves, while the Count has other plans and talks to Vee-com directly about things.

Characters include:

  • Count Alexander SinClaire – Noble
  • Cade Hollins – Medic
  • Krom Humey – Bounty Hunter
  • Nika Daggoth – Pilot
  • Captain Sincar Nivik – Smuggler
  • Bishop – Slave Pirate

Follow the show on Twitter:

  • Vince – @TheEvilDM
  • Show Announcements – @RollHighorDie

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