Star Wars Fall of the Order Episode 17 – Research and power up!

Star Wars Fall of the Order Episode 17 – Research and power up!

In this episode, the group gives the necklace they found to Garth as they find out something happened with group A in the caves. Cade find outs that his neighbor Kiffy was killed in group A. The team now goes into research mode to find out what the symbol on the necklace and the Count speaks to Vee-con about things going in the academy.

Characters include:

  • Count Alexander SinClaire – Noble
  • Cade Hollins – Medic
  • Krum Humey – Bounty Hunter
  • Nika Daggoth – Pilot
  • Captain Sincar Nivik – Smuggler
  • Bishop – Slave Pirate

Follow the show on Twitter:

  • Vince – @TheEvilDM
  • Show Announcements – @RollHighorDie

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