Ghostbusters: Ready to Believe Episode 3 -The Break up.

Ghostbusters: Ready to Believe Episode 3 -The Break up.

This episode is only 30 minute long and its basically what happened and how things got changed around, you can skip it if you wish, but its backstory mostly as to why they are kind of starting fresh in episode 4.

This game takes place in Dallas Texas.

Characters include:

  • Darren Stallone – Legacy actor, looking to make a name for himself, doesn’t believe. Goals: Fame, Exploitation
  • Bill Weston – Former vacuum salesman, looking for a good paying job, Ghosts are real. Goals: Wealth, Peace
  • Dr Nick Oldrick – Scientist with a degree from Harvard, Brooke Harvard University. Goals: Prove Existence
  • Butch – Australian, who enjoys fixing things, mechanic at heart, likes to invent. Goals: Soulless Science
  • Eliza – Former stunt woman, who thought she was getting a job a goat farm. Goals: Serving Humanity

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