More thoughts on DND Next

More thoughts on DND Next

After reading through the DND Next or 5e, as some call it, I am getting a bit disappointed in the material. Why? Well, the most I can say is I am not happy in the direct the character creation is going. I do think the characters will be getting a little too powerful at the lower levels. There is also an issue that characters can interchange roles and be one “super class”. Like a fighter, running around casting (minor) spells to kill things with out penalties.

I know its only round two of the play test and WOTC is still planning on giving us more based on the feedback on this. I will stick around for round 3 and see what it has to say, but so far I do not like a bunch of things. I wish I could say more, but actually I can’t even though we all know that anyone reading this more then likely signed up for the play test…


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