Quest for the Book of Sorrows ended…for now?

Quest for the Book of Sorrows ended…for now?

So as it stands, the last episode or session for the Quest for the Book of Sorrows actual play campaign has been recorded. It’s been a fun run, but all good things have to end at some point. Personally, I’d like to continue this game, with these characters. I know quite a few people will be sad to see the group fade away, but I think a break is needed. I do know that not all the players want to continue with the characters at the moment.
I don’t want to give away much about the actual recording as I sit down to edit so it can be placed up on the site. I do want to say that they do not call me the “the evil DM/GM” for nothing. Listen in and see what happens as Trask gets what he deserves and Regnor sounds a bit different, but just as equally funny. Time plays a factor, and do things really happen or just in the mind of one?
Listen in and find out.

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