Why Subscribe to The Evil Dungeon Master Universe?


Enjoy TTRPG Videos? Like Solo/Co-Op Play? Learning about RPGs? Do you enjoy games with a Classic Gaming point of view? Then step into a world of nostalgia and innovation with me, your guide through the vivid realms of tabletop gaming.

Immerse yourself in the intricacies of world building, & experience the thrilling unpredictability of solo RPGs. Together, we'll journey back in time to the golden era of old school gaming, where the each roll was deadly & orcs were considered fodder for experience, gold and glory!

Things you’ll see here:

  • Weekday Podcast: I have a solo podcast, which I put out weekdays, Monday to Friday. Its a gaming podcast that focuses on some tid bit of a game. Around 10 to 15 minutes.

  • Hooks of Evil: Here is where I will share ideas to help spark your campaigns, it could be random hooks, seeds or even tables to roll on!

  • Solo Sorcery: Here is where I will put the write-ups, possible audio of my Solo Roleplaying endeavors.

My Nickname:

  • Its a nickname from the '80s, everyone called me it because I had no issue being "evil" as a DM.

Gaming Style:

  • “Reactionary GM’ing”.

Games I enjoy:

  • AD&D, Marvel FASERIP, DC Heroes 3e & Batman RPG, Star Wars d6, Palladium Games, MERP, HARP, and Rolemaster to name a few.


  • No Clickbait, No Drama, Just gaming!

  • Story trumps rules, Books are only guidelines

  • You rule the book, not the other way around!

So check things out, where the dice roll, rocks fall, and every game is a new adventure.

Subscribe to get full access to the newsletter and publication archives.

If you enjoy the content here and want to make a one time donation, feel free to buy me a coffee, or as I say, buy me some dice!

Buy me some Dice! 🎲

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ENNie Award wining Author. TTRPG player into solo/co-op games and the King of AD&D! Horror junkie and slso into fantasy and EU Star Wars. My main focus is gaming, with a daily mini-podcast. The Lawful Evil DM of Podcasting Legend.