So I’m scrolling through the depths of the internet, and bam—I hit a MovieWeb article talking about the upcoming Dungeons & Dragons TV series for Netflix.
Given the quality of recent Netflix productions, this has me very hopeful! I anticipate that some of the biggest pitfalls they can have would be:
- Leaning too hard on the Critical Failures. They happen, but they need to keep them from becoming the plot.
- Having the party follow the main plot without deviation. They should get distracted by the side-quests, and then have the consequences.
- Going too light on the main characters abilities. Secret Level did it well - the player characters should be doing their cool moves and combos fairly regularly. The plot should focus on the adventure they are having and the decisions they make, not on the cliche of them trying, failing, then trying again and succeeding!
Betting it'll be a critical fail.
Too much woke.
Needs to go Old School DnD, 2e.
Given the quality of recent Netflix productions, this has me very hopeful! I anticipate that some of the biggest pitfalls they can have would be:
- Leaning too hard on the Critical Failures. They happen, but they need to keep them from becoming the plot.
- Having the party follow the main plot without deviation. They should get distracted by the side-quests, and then have the consequences.
- Going too light on the main characters abilities. Secret Level did it well - the player characters should be doing their cool moves and combos fairly regularly. The plot should focus on the adventure they are having and the decisions they make, not on the cliche of them trying, failing, then trying again and succeeding!
Thanks for commenting. I am hopeful it can be awesome.