Volume 7 Mini Issue 9 - Rick Loomis and Flying Buffalo
At Gen Con 50, DM Matt had a chance to sit down and talk with Rick Loomis of Flying Buffalo. Matt and Rick talk about all things Flying Buffalo, from it's early days as a play by mail game company, to the origins of Tunnels and Trolls and Nuclear War. We even have a guest appearance by Liz Danforth when we talk about Grimtooth's Traps. And we cap it off with some wacky FBI stories. So sit back and enjoy a really fun interview on this weeks Roll For Initiative.
Flying Buffalo Game Company - http://www.flyingbuffalo.com/
Tunnels and Trolls Adventures - Itunes App Store https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/tunnels-trolls-adventures-classic-rpg-dungeons/id1235723100?ls=1&mt=8 Google Play https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.metaarcade.tunnelsandtrolls.adventures&pageId=110713487721558482129