Volume 5 Issue 170 - Grimtooth's Traps
This week, the Roll For Initiative crew delves into the mind of the most devious trap maker of all time, Grimtooth, as we review Grimtooth's Traps. Goblin's make an appearance in the Creature Feature as we discuss how they could benefit from heading the advice of Grimtooth. And also, we also dip into the treasure chest and pull out a Magical Bag of Ferrets?!?!? All of this and David Bowe, the Goblin King, are on this week's episode of Roll For Initiative. MST3k Kickstarter -Â http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/mst3k/bringbackmst3k Grimtooth's Traps -Â http://www.rpgnow.com/product/94938/Grimtooths-Traps
Magical Bag of Ferrets
XP 500
Value 750 Gold pieces
It appears as a small plain brown bag with a simple rope tie on it. Opening it, a character can pull out a trained ferret twice a day.
The ferret can go retrieve things as best as it can and a character can look through the eyes of the ferret and hear as well, but if the ferret gets attacked while the character is looking, the character will take the damage and the link will be severed. If the ferret dies, you lose that ferret.