I run two games on the weekends for RollhighorDie.com, one is a Basic Fantasy game, which is set to start soon, but my other game is a Mini Six based game, where I expanded on the barebones system to create my own Supernatural-inspired universe. It blends some lore from the Supernatural TV show with a bit of my own creative madness. I keep each episode around an hour long, making it easy to listen to in bite-sized chunks while doing other things. The actual play is available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and various other platforms.
Episodes 1 to 6 is their first case exploring what’s happening in a town.
Episode 7 is the start of a new case, where they are exploring mysterious disaperances in a town. Its a good jumping on point if you want to skip the rest.
Here is a spotify link to the episodes, take a listen:
For fun, I put the transcripts into two different AI’s to see what they would say, Chatgpt and Grok:
You are a busy guy!