Volume 1 Issue 32 – THACO or not THACO?
Does THACO have a place in first edition?
What's the best way to run a game at a convention?
What's up with the mind flayer?
Does DC Comics owe Jayson an apology for the AD&D comic books?
Listen and find out…
Intro 0:00
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Sage Advice 5:59
Table Manners -THACO vs THAC0 37:07
Creature Feature Theatre 1:00:57
Mind Flayer http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Illithid
The Library 1:23:17
Advanced Dungeons and Dragons Comic Book Wiki Entry http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dungeons_&_Dragons_related_products#Comics
Michael Fleisher Interview from Comics Bulletin http://www.comicsbulletin.com/features/120404502360000.htm
Jan Duursema's Official Website http://www.janduursema.com/
The Lumpers Part 1 1:42:13
Outro 1:55:01
LowTechCon www.lowtechcon.com
New England Webcomics Weekend http://webcomicsweekend.com/
Iowa Beef Experience http://www.last.fm/music/Iowa+Beef+Experience
King Richard's Faire http://kingrichardsfaire.net/
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