Volume 1 Issue 1 - A Primer on Old-School Gaming
Thanks for listening to our first show! Please drop by the Dragonsfoot forums or the D20 Radio Network forums and let us know what you think.
Thanks for listening to our first show! Please drop by the Osrgaming.org forums or the D20 Radio Network forums and let us know what you think.
We love to get emails - if you have something you'd like us to answer on-air, email us at rfistaff@gmail.com
Show notes for episode 1:
Main Feature: A Primer on Old School Gaming Creature Feature Theater: Creeping Pit Game Mechanics: Combat The Dragon's Horde: Deck of Many Things Stickler's Spotlight: Weapon Speed The Library: George Stone: "A Glossary of the Construction, Decoration and Use of Arms and Armor"