EDU Podcast: HARP - High Adventure Role Playing, is it fun?
Season 7 starts today and on the podcast I go over the HARP - High Adventure Role Playing Fantasy game. Its an interesting d100 system, that has a good amount of crunch to it, but not too much compared Rolemaster or MERP. If you are interested in checking it out, I've included a link to the free HARP Lite.
HARP Fantasy brings you all the flexibility, simplicity, and drama you crave. HARP Fantasy has everything you love about fantasy role-playing: flexible character creation, exciting combat, critical hits, potent magic and challenging foes. Drawing upon years of actual play from the fan base, HARP Fantasy is an enhanced version of the original HARP game published in 2003 and 2004, with many improvements to the rules without compromising fast and fun gameplay.
Links • Harp on DrivethruRPG • Harp lite - for free