Creature Feature: The Frost Golem
In issue # 11, I spoke of the Frost Golem and requested the stats of this monster, well faithful listener Mike aka Sieg from came through... Frost Golem
FREQUENCY: VERY Rare NO. APPEARING: 1-2 ARMOR CLASS: 2 MOVE: 8' HIT DICE: 8 +2 % IN LAIR: Nil TREASURE TYPE: Foci worth 100-1000 (1d10x10) gp NO. OF ATTACKS: 1 DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-12 or by weapon type SPECIAL ATTACKS: See below SPECIAL DEFENSES: +1 or better weapon to hit, Immune to cold and level drain MAGIC RESISTANCE: 10% INTELLIGENCE: See below ALIGNMENT: Neutral (Good) SIZE: Medium to Large (5'-8') PSIONIC ABILITY: Nil Attack/Defense Modes: Nil LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: Variable
Frost golems are unusual creations made by Magic Users or Alchemists in the wintry climes of the world. Unlike ordinary golems, they are created from a non-mineral or living substance and imbued with life through various items enchanted with power and placed upon the Frost Golem to animate it. These items vary in type, from exquisite jewels and fine crafts (See Treasure Type) to simple articles of clothing such as scarves or hats.
As the golem is animated through the magical foci described above, the snow form can be destroyed and another snow figure shaped and the enchanted foci placed on/within it and the creature will reanimate as good as new. If this is to be prevented, attacks must be directed specifically at the enchanted foci, with normal saving throws for magic items applying.
Requires Magic Weapon to Hit: The Frost Golem, being a creature of magic, ignores any non-magic weapons that strike it. These weapons simply slide through the snow form of its body, reuniting as soon as the weapon travels through.
βRebelβ: The Frost Golem, like some of its kindred, are susceptible to breaking the control of their masters. However, unlike its brethren it will not go into a berserk rage, but will instead gain an Intelligence of Low-Average, change its alignment from Neutral to Neutral Good, and depart for other (wintry) locales, striving to do good deeds and entertain other creatures; especially children. If its master attempts to force the Frost Golem to attack or cause harm to children, the golem gains a +2 to its roll to break control; increasing by another +2 for every round it is forced to perform such acts until it automatically rebels.
Snow Form: Frost Golems take no damage from cold attacks nor can be level drained by undead. They do take double damage from fire based attack (saving throw for half), and will avoid any non cold climates whenever possible.