G+ Community: Micro Maps

G+ Community: Micro Maps

Well its time I started blogging again, I have this blog and this .com, so let’s make use of it, right?
Anyhow, I’ve been increasing my time on G+ in the last 6 months or so, mostly due to the fact its the only interesting website I can access at work. While waiting for things to do at work, I’ve found a lot of interesting things. One of those interesting things is this little community called micro maps where the rules are:

“..making dungeon maps on the tiniest medium possible. That’s the only rule! Examples: – Post-It Notes – Tiny Bits of Paper – Matchbooks – Fingers – Fingernails – Tiny Notepads – Etc… If it’s tiny and you can draw on it, it’s micro!”

I think the results that people come up with are amazing, with such little space these folks cram amazing little dungeons or maps. Check out some samples:

Well if you have a chance, stop over and try your hand at a mini map, or grab something for your game that night.

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