D&D Next? or 3E revised..again.

D&D Next? or 3E revised..again.

So I got the email, everyone in the D&D world has been waiting for today. The play test of D&D Next email in my inbox at 930am CST. Of Course clicking on the link, resulted in nothing but a long hang time until it gave me can not open message.

Apparently Wizards screwed up on the first link, apologizing to its fans in the forums and sent out a new link, which also hung.

Finally after a bunch of tries. I got in, signed the agreement and got the documents.

I popped open the documents, and it gives you 5 pregens. Fighter, two Clerics (a healer and a battle like), a rogue and a wizard. As well as a mini adventure, a bestiary, a “how to play document” and finally a DM Guidelines document.

After reviewing them, and reading over the documents carefully, its basically Third Edition D&D well organized. WHAT?

This is what we waited for? Wizards to bring out 3E rules, nicely organized for us?

How is this Old School? Its not. Unless you consider 3E “Old School”.

How does this represent Moldvay D&D like they said in the blogs? Oh wait. I know how, its how the sheet is set up. Everything nicely squeezed into one sheet.

Just in case you are wondering, the DM guidelines document, doesn’t tell you anything interesting except how to control a DC or set up an save. Something anyone can pick up in the “how to play”.

Also the bestiary, does exactly what they did in 4E, tells a DM How to play the monster. A good DM doesn’t need this.

I’d like to put up an image, but I guess that would violate terms and get my Blog taken down. Feel free to go download it if you can and comment.

Let’s hope round two of the play test makes this look better, otherwise, just pull your 3E books off the shelf or go play Pathfinder.

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  1. For me, it seems closer to B/X than 3rd and 4th due to the reliance on the ability scores for 'skills' checks. It is reminiscent of page B60 in Moldvay than Proficiencies and Skill sections in later editions. Still, I can definitely see the relation this playtest has with 3rd and 4th in other mechanics. I like that the modern mechanics for Saving Throws are gone! These were unnecessary and superfluous, in my humble opinion. Using the ability scores for this seems like common sense and brings back some simplicity to the game as well as serving to put the ability scores back in their rightful place in the primary position within the structure of the game.

  2. Hey, at least it's not another completely new game like 3e and 4e both were.

    I'm going to keep an open mind till I have the chance to play it. Reading over it I already hate is less than 3e/4e but we'll see.

    Oh, it's not just 3e revised. There are no skills! 😉

    — Celestian

  3. The more and more I hear about it, the more it sounds like it might turn out to be pretty cool. When I hear a complaint its usually cause its not like red box D&D. I like old school D&D and still have a love for anything 2e or lower. I think 3e could have been cool I just feel that it was much too complex and 4e was too slow and too much healing. Im starting to think 5e might be 3e with a 2e feel. What I mean is, a good basic system with lots of optional rules. Im curious. Im also not a fan of WotC. Id rather play pathfinder if I had to play a modern system

  4. Played "Next" for a couple hours tonight and I really liked it. I went into it with an open mind and was pleasantly surprised. Combat was simple and fast (unlike 4e) *with* options, healing wasnt too much (4e) or too little (Basic), hit points were just right, the death rules are pretty fair imo. I had a blast. Themes and backgrounds gave it a 2e kits feel. This after a 7 hour grueling pc/henchemen death-filled session of Barrowmaze using Moldvay Red Box that lost its luster pretty quickly for my group. These playtest rules seem to hit all the right notes for me so far, and this is coming from someone who definitely has no love for WotC.

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