Name of Names

How important is a name for a character? VERY. I think the name of the character, sometimes makes the character. Does a character named “Bob” or “Steve” really sound like a great warrior or a powerful wizard? OF COURSE NOT. So let’s take the time to gather up some ideas for names, shall we? Well first things first, you can always go online and google, “character name generator”. First glance gives us Fantasy Name Generator, which will give you a few options… go through it and have fun! Now, let’s say you are over a friends house, and they don’t have internet (GASP!) access or they don’t allow it at the table. You can think of various names and take bits and pieces of things. For instance, let’s say you are playing an Elf, and you are like, what do I call him? Easy, Elven characters generally have a name that 3 letter with a ‘ and then the rest of the name. So pick a random letter such as T and start putting together words… Tel… Tak.. Tir.. let’s go with Tel and now we need another name… nock, nick, nome, wind…. Tel’Nok. Hey that sounds cool, let’s use it. What tips can you share?

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